Important Note
Only those Courses with a grade of "C" and above will transfer.
Transfer Course Equivalencies
The ODU Admissions Office evaluates transfer credits received from other institutions in order to apply them to a student's transcript. To see how credit from another institution will transfer to ODU, visit Monarch Transfermation, our online transfer equivalency database. Once you enter the system you will be prompted to select the state, institution (for VCCS schools select All Virginia Cmty Col System), subject and the course number to see how credits you have earned or plan to complete will transfer from other institutions to ODU.
If you are interested in transferring to ODU or are a current student who plans to take courses at another institution and have questions regarding transfer credit for courses that are not listed in Monarch Transfermation and how that transfer credit would be evaluated or transfer to ODU, please contact Transfer Evaluation Services. Please email with the following information:
- Name and UIN (if you have already been admitted to ODU)
- Institution where you took the course
- Course description(s) from the previous institution(s) along with any other supporting documentation, such as course syllabi.
You will be notified of the decision via email; for current ODU students any approvals will then be updated on your ODU transcript.
Degree-seeking Transfer Students should make arrangements with other educational institutions they have attended to submit to the Office of Admissions, an "Official" transcript. Only degree seeking transfer students' transcripts will be evaluated. Non-degree seeking students do not need to provide official transfer transcripts to ODU. Proof of pre-requisite courses may be requested from non-degree seeking students for any ODU course having a pre-requisite.
Students are responsible for the accuracy of their own transcripts.
If a transfer credit does not appear on your transfer credit evaluation, it means that Old Dominion University has not received notice of that course credit from the other institution.
Transfer Students
ODU is your transfer pathway to success. With transfer pathways to all majors with transferable associate degrees, plus 200+ guided pathways specific for applied associate degrees, Old Dominion University is the most transfer-friendly university in Virginia.
Evaluating Your Transcript
All students who transfer credit from other institutions to ODU have information regarding their transfer credit and how it was evaluated available through their student account in LEO Online. To find this information:
- Log-in to LEO Online
- Go to the Admissions Menu
- Click on "Individual Transfer Credit Evaluation"
Please review this information thoroughly. If you are missing any courses you completed at a previous institution please make sure you send an updated official transcript from your previous institution(s) to the ODU Admissions Office including your final semester of transfer courses.
Common Abbreviations
Your transfer credit evaluation displays the transfer credit along with the Old Dominion University equivalent.
Abbreviation | Explanation |
1**1 | Although there is no direct ODU equivalent to this course, you received credit hours. This is an old pre-1998 version of the 'ele' below. It was accepted by ODU but no exact equivalent course. |
1 BIOL | Although there is no direct ODU equivalent to this course, you received credit hours in a particular subject area. |
1 HISP REQ | Although there is no direct ODU equivalent to this course, you received the credit hours and also fulfilled the General Education Requirement "REQ" for that subject area. Examples: HISP: History Perspective HISP IREQ NSCP: Natural Science Perspective NSCPIREQ |
Office of Prior Learning Assessment
Through the use of various mechanisms, we are able to offer students the opportunity to have their prior learning assessed and applied for academic credit. This path may save the students both time and money as they work toward their degree.